Discovering Your Gift: The Smart Way to Follow Your Heart

In the journey of life, many of us quest for success, dreaming of building empires, big or small. Yet, what truly sets us apart is not merely the desire but the courage to pursue our passions smartly and with purpose. Today, I want to share a story about understanding and nurturing one’s innate gifts, and […]

Escaping the Financial Survival Mode: How to Thrive and Build Sustainable Wealth

In the world of personal finance, there’s a stark difference between surviving and thriving. Many people find themselves bound by the chains of survival mode, holding tight to an illusionary lifeline they believe will keep them safe. However, when that lifeline falters or disappears, they are left grappling with financial turmoil. The antidote lies in […]

Discovering Your Financial Identity: The Blueprint to Achieving Your Money Goals

As the fresh pages of a New Year beckon with promises of new beginnings, it’s not uncommon to find oneself immersed in a sea of resolutions. From fervent vows to drop old habits to passionate pledges to pick up new, enriching ones—especially when it comes to finances. You’re in good company if you’ve ever found […]

Overcoming Inherited Perspectives for Successful Wealth-Building

Have you ever wondered why it’s so challenging to focus on your wealth-building strategy, or why you’ve struggled to embrace the journey, despite the abundance of information available online? Just like you, many people stumble over the same obstacles. While some are due to lack of financial knowledge or poor planning, one of the most […]

The Importance of Setting Financial Goals: A Real-Life Story

Have you set your financial goals for the year? If not, what’s holding you back? Is it the perceived complexity of budgeting, a lack of understanding about financial planning, or simply complacency stemming from a comfortable income? Let’s take a moment to share a real-life story that underscores the importance of setting financial goals and […]

Martin Luther King Jr. Day: Is It a Celebration Anymore?

Martin Luther King Jr. Day is a time when we reflect on the immortal words of Dr. King: “I have a dream that the world could be better and different than before,” as my daughter so succinctly put it. This powerful speech has ignited so much hope in the hearts of many over the years. […]

Embracing Responsibility: The Unsung Hero of Financial Freedom

When we talk about financial freedom, the conversation often veers towards having a hefty bank balance or being born with a silver spoon. However, it’s high time we debunked this misconception. Financial freedom isn’t about the size of your inheritance or the digits in your salary; it’s about how you manage your money. And that’s […]

Embracing the Power Within: Unleashing Your Inner Golden Goose

Every sunrise heralds a fresh start. The transition from the old year to the new is a time of introspection, full of resolutions and a heart brimming with the desire to outperform our past selves. As we reflect on the decisions that have shaped our journey so far, we often find ourselves awaiting that golden […]

The Power of Success Through Visualization

Success optimism hope

As we embark on the final week of the year, it’s a golden opportunity to pause and reflect. How has the year treated you? Have you met your expectations, fulfilled your dreams and wishes? If not, how close have you come? Regardless of whether your accomplishments are small, medium or large, remember: even dreaming of […]

Reimagining Innovation: Seize Opportunities Ahead

As we stand on the brink of a new year, it’s time to reflect on the transformative power of innovation. In 2023, at Djigui, we learned that innovation wasn’t about casting aside the old or reinventing the wheel. Instead, it was about enhancing what we already had, making it better, more efficient, and more accessible. […]